Lesson 1

Kid Fractions

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Homework and Practice

  • Assign DPP items A–B.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 1 and 2. Part 2 provides practice with strategies for solving multidigit addition and subtraction problems.
  • Assign the Homework section of the Kid Fractions pages in the Student Guide.

For Question 4 of the Homework section students write fractions for parts of their families. If students come from small families, tell them that they can decide who they consider to be part of their whole family. For example, a student who lives with no siblings and one parent can decide to include a pair of grandparents, so that his or her whole family will have four members.

Math Facts. DPP Bit A provides an opportunity for students to use Triangle Flash Cards to assess their fluency with the multiplication facts for the 2s and 3s. In DPP Task B students solve words problems to practice the multiplication facts for the 2s and 3s.

Home Practice Part 1 reminds students to practice their multiplication facts for the 2s and 3s using their Triangle Flash Cards.

Unit Master