Circle Pieces: Red, Pink, Orange, Aqua
Est. Class Sessions: 2–3Developing the Lesson
Part 3. Parts and Wholes
Introduce Equivalence with Pieces. Assign Questions 11–15 in the Parts and Wholes section of the Student Guide to give students more experiences representing fractions with circle pieces, words, and numbers. Ask students to work together in pairs to solve the problems and represent the fractions using the pieces. As they work, ask them to justify their answers using the pieces.
Question 12 introduces the idea of equivalent fractions—that two different numbers can name the same fractional part of a unit whole. Using the red circle as the unit whole, three aqua pieces are 3/6 (Question 12A). Answering Question 12B correctly will show that three aquas is the same as one-half of the circle. See Figure 8.
Point out to students that three-sixths (3/6) and one-half (1/2) represent the same fractional part of the circle. Have a similar discussion about two-sixths and one-third using Questions 12C and 12D. See Figure 8.
Name the Unit Whole. Tell students that Moe and Joe Smart are disagreeing again.
Display 1 red circle piece and say:
Assign Questions 16–19 in the Name the Unit Whole section of the Student Guide to student pairs. The questions ask students to name the unit whole when a fraction is given. Encourage students to first use the circle pieces to show the fraction and then the unit whole.
Upon completion, ask student volunteers to use circle pieces to share their answers to some of the problems.