Lesson 6

Comparing Fractions

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Mathematical Standards

Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (3.G.A.2)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Look for and make sense of structure.

Students use circle pieces to understand that dividing the unit whole into a greater number of equal parts results in smaller parts. Students use manipulatives and number lines to categorize fractions as those that are less than, equal to, or more than one-half using one-half as a benchmark for comparing fractions.

Content in this Lesson

  • Representing fractions using circle pieces, paper strips, and number lines [E1].
  • Representing fractions using words and numbers [E2].
  • Partitioning shapes into given fractions [E6].
  • Recognizing that fractional parts of a unit whole may be different shapes but must be the same size [E3].
  • Finding equivalent fractions using models (e.g., circle pieces, fraction strips, number lines, drawings) [E9].
  • Comparing fractions using models and one-half as a benchmark [E10].

Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide
Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Students

fraction circle pieces: red, pink, orange, yellow, aqua, blue
Fraction Chart from Lesson 4
two matching game markers
clear plastic spinner or a pencil and paper clip

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Fraction Hex 1 Game Board (Student Activity Book) Page 365
Unit 9 Assessment Record
Display set of fraction circle pieces
chart paper

Materials Preparation

Comparing Fractions to One-Half Chart. Make a “Comparing Fractions to One-Half” chart on chart paper with the headings shown in Figure 1. This chart will be used in Part 2 of the lesson.

Figure 1
Figure 1: Chart for comparing fractions in Part 2 of the lesson

Spinners. If you do not have clear plastic spinners to place over the Fraction Hex Spinner, students can use paper clips and pencils. Straighten out one end of the paper clip, and place a pencil through the curved end. Then, put the point of the pencil on the center of the spinner, and spin the paper clip around the pencil, using the straightened end as the pointer. See Figure 2.

Figure 1
Figure 2: Using a paper clip and pencil as a spinner

Comparison Symbol Chart. Make and display a chart showing the greater than (>), less than (<), and equal to (=) symbols. Leave posted for the duration of the unit to help students recall the meaning of the symbols as they learn to use them.

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed Math Practices Expectation Assessed

Sharing Pizza
Check-In: Questions 5–7
Student Activity Book
Page 360

Find equivalent fractions using models (e.g., circle pieces, fraction strips, number lines, drawings).
Compare and order fractions using area models, number lines, and one-half as a benchmark.
Know the problem. I read the problem carefully. I know the questions to answer and what information is important.
Find a strategy. I choose good tools and an efficient strategy for solving the problem.
Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so someone else can understand my thinking.

DPP Item U
Fact Family Quiz for the 2s and 3s
Teacher Guide - digital

Determine the unknown number in multiplication and division sentences relating three whole numbers for the 2s and 3s.

Vocabulary in this Lesson