Lesson 5

Circles, Fraction Strips, and Number Lines

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

  • How many different ways can you show 7/8 ?

Ask students to work in groups to find as many ways as they can to represent 7/8 . Then ask groups to share their representations as a class display. Possible representations include: numbers, words, circle pieces, fraction strips, number lines, and a set of objects.

  • How does your drawing show 7/8 ?
  • How does your representation show a denominator of 8?
  • Show the unit whole in your representation.
  • How many parts are there in all?
  • Are the parts equal?
  • How does your representation show a numerator of 7?
  • When I think of 3/4 , I see …

Students can share verbally how they can visualize fractions such as, “3 balls out of 4 balls are blue,” or “3 of the 4 equal-size pieces of my sandwich.” Have students share many visualizations.