Lesson 3

Sharing Cookies

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Partitioning with Leftovers

Share 12 Cookies with Leftovers. After students explore partitioning twelve, give them experience with the concept of leftovers. Explain to students that when sharing fairly, sometimes there are extras or leftovers. Continue sharing 12 cookies with other numbers of people as in Question 2 on the Sharing 12 Cookies page. Ask student pairs to use their 12 counters to solve the first problem on the page and then select students to demonstrate their answer on the display of Question 2.

  • What is different about your answer to this problem compared to the answers in Question 1? (There are leftovers when we divide the cookies in this problem. There were no leftovers in the problems in Question 1.)
  • What should we do with the leftovers? (Answers will vary. Possible response: We can’t give them away because there aren’t enough for everyone to get another one. It wouldn’t be fair shares.)

Some students may suggest breaking cookies into pieces in order to share the leftovers but encourage them to instead indicate the leftovers in the last column.

See the Sample Dialog for an example of a class discussion about partitioning the number twelve into five groups.

Use this dialog to discuss partitioning twelve cookies into five groups.

Teacher: In the story, two, four, six, and twelve children came to the door and the children were able to divide the cookies evenly. If there were five children, how would they divide twelve cookies? Decide how many plates you need to represent the number of children and use the 12 counters to represent the cookies. Pass out one cookie at a time until you run out and everyone gets a fair share.

Melinda: I would give two children three cookies and give the other three two cookies each.

Teacher: What does everyone else think?

Pablo: I don’t think that’s fair because I wouldn’t like it if I got only two cookies and some children got three cookies.

Teacher: Does someone have a different answer?

Daniel: I put the 12 cookies into five groups and each child would get two cookies, but I had 2 left.

Teacher: That’s great, Daniel! Can you show us how you got the answer? We say that everyone received a fair share when everybody gets the same number. We can only give two to each person if they receive a fair share and there are two cookies left over.

Mariela: Why can’t we break the leftover cookies into five pieces?

Teacher: Class, what do you think about breaking the leftover cookies into five pieces that are the same size?

Aaron: It would be too hard to break each cookie into five even pieces. It’s better to say we have two left over.

Teacher: Good answer, Aaron! In this case, it’s better to say we have leftovers. Now, let’s show each person’s fair share by drawing the number of cookies each person will get on the plates and the leftovers under the “Leftovers” column.

Continue with other numbers shown in Question 2 so that students will see the effect of partitioning numbers that have leftovers. Each time students work through a sharing situation, they record their results on the plates in the table. Explain to students that sometimes there are leftovers and sometimes there are no leftovers. It just depends on how many people are sharing.

Fair Shares with 15 Cookies. Students will explore the effects of sharing a fixed number of cookies among different numbers of people. Display the first page of Fair Shares (Question 1) and pass out more counters so that each student pair has fifteen.

  • There are 2 people and 15 cookies. Who can draw the number of people under the “People” column?
  • How many plates should we draw under the “Number of Cookies on Each Plate” column? (2) How did you decide how many to draw? (The number of plates is the same as the number of people.)
  • How many counters do we need? (15)
  • Now use your counters to figure out how many cookies each child should get. (7 cookies with 1 left over)

After students solve the problem, select a student pair to share their problem on the display by drawing the number of cookies each person will receive for their fair share inside the plates and drawing the leftovers in the “Leftovers” column. See Figure 2 for an example.

Direct students to look at the open statement, “___ groups of ____ and ____left over.”

  • How many plates are there? (2)
  • How many groups of cookies are there? (2)
  • How many cookies are on each plate? (7)
  • How many leftover cookies are there?(1)
  • Who would like to complete the statement? (2 groups of 7 and 1 left over)

After completing the example together as a class, explain that you will write the number of people on the top of their page and they will use their counters to figure out the number of cookies each person will receive. Assign quantities of 1 to 10 to pairs. Have student pairs solve their problem and record their solution on the page.

  • You all had 15 cookies to share, but you had different numbers of people to share them with. Did everyone share the cookies fairly? (yes)
  • Did anyone have leftovers? (Answers will vary. Some student pairs will have leftovers and some will not.)

Select a student pair that did not have leftovers and a pair that did have leftovers and have them show their solutions.

  • When do you have leftovers? (Possible response: When everyone has a fair share, but there are extra cookies left over. There are not enough leftovers for everyone to get another one and keep it fair.)
  • After sharing cookies, what if there are 3 children and 5 leftover cookies? Does that make sense? (That”s not right. There are too many leftovers. Each child could have another cookie.)

Practice Fair Shares. Students will continue to practice dividing the same number of cookies among different numbers of people but will use a slightly different recording process. Use a display of Question 2 on the second page of Fair Shares to illustrate how to share 11 cookies with two children. Each student pair will need 20 counters and 5 small paper plates.

  • How many cookies are there? (eleven)
  • How many people are in the first group? (two)
  • How many plates are needed in the second column? (two; The number of plates represents the number of children.)
  • How many paper plates will you need? (2)
  • Use your counters to figure out how many cookies each person will get. Be ready to show each person’s fair share and whether or not there are leftovers. The leftovers should be off of the plates. Sometimes you will have leftovers and other times you will not, depending on the number of people who have to share the cookies.

Select a student pair to share their solution and draw the number of cookies each child will receive on the displayed plates and the leftovers in the “Leftovers” column on the display of the Fair Shares page.

  • How many cookies are on each plate? (5)
  • How many leftover cookies are there? (1)
  • Complete the statement: ____ groups of ____ and ____ left over. (2 groups of 5 and 1 left over.)
  • How did you know what to put in each blank? (Possible response: I knew there were 2 groups because there were 2 plates. There were groups of 5 because that is how many cookies were on each plate. I had 1 cookie left over.)

Assign Questions 2–3 on the Fair Shares page. Students are now ready to try problems with a different number of cookies. Give each pair of students a number between twelve and twenty. This number represents the number of cookies to share, and it should be written at the top of their page. In Check-In: Question 3, all students will divide ten cookies fairly. Direct students to use their counters and remind them to place leftover cookies in the “Leftovers” column and not on the plates.

Use Check-In: Question 3 on the Fair Shares pages with the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students’ abilities to partition ten cookies into groups of a given size and count the leftovers.

The question assesses students’ abilities to read and write numbers to 20 [E3]; represent and identify numbers using counters and pictures [E4]; connect representations of quantities (counters and symbols) [E5]; and divide a collection of objects into groups of a given size and count the leftovers [E6]. This page can also be used to assess students’ abilities to show their work [MPE5] and use labels by completing the open statements [MPE6].

For targeted practice, place several copies of the first page of Fair Shares (Question 1) in a learning center with 20 counters and two containers. One container will have the label “Number of People” and pieces of paper with numbers between two and six. The other container will have the label “Number of Cookies” and pieces of paper with numbers between twelve and twenty. (See Materials Preparation.) Students will select one number from each container, draw the number of people, and then use the counters to determine each person’s fair share and leftovers, if there are any.

Sharing 15 cookies with 2 people