Lesson 5


Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Developing the Lesson

Part 3: Sharing Data

Analyze Data. In the fourth step of the TIMS Laboratory Method, students analyze and discuss their results. Display the Math Practices page from the Student Activity Book Reference section. Direct students’ attention to Math Practices Expectation 2, Find a strategy, and Math Practices Expectation 5, Show my work. Tell students that when answering Question 5, they will need to explain how they add two of the quantities displayed on their graphs. They can write their answers in words or show their strategies by drawing pictures. Assign Questions 1–5 in the Explore section of the Colors Lab pages to student pairs.

When all students have completed the questions in the Explore section, have them refer to their answers and their individual graphs.

  • What does your graph tell you about your sample? (Responses will vary. Possible responses: I have 7 reds in my sample. Or, I have more greens than blues in my sample.)
  • How many [red] pieces did you have in your sample? Is that more or less than your neighbor’s number of [red] pieces?
  • Does everyone in the class have the same most common color? The same least common color? (Answers will vary.)

Use Questions 1–5 and the Feedback Box in the Explore section of the Color Lab pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students’ abilities to group and count by twos, fives, and tens [E1]; read and use a bar graph and data table to find information about a data set [E10]; solve addition problems [E7]; make generalizations and predictions [E11]; find a strategy [MPE2]; and show work [MPE5].
