Lesson 5

Moving on the 100 Chart

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

To summarize the lesson, discuss the relationships among the numbers represented on the 100 Chart in the game using other representations familiar to the students. Students will need connecting cubes, number lines, and the Ten Frames page in the Student Activity Book Reference section readily available. Write the following on the board:

  • Start at 18. Spin 10 less. Land on ___________
    Number sentence __________________________
  • When we played the game, we used the 100 Chart to find numbers that were one more, one less, ten more, and ten less. Then we wrote number sentences that matched our moves. Let's say that it is my turn and that I am on 18 and I spin ten less. Work with your partner to think of as many tools and strategies as you can that you can use to show where you will land. Write the number sentence for the turn.

Give students time to work together to think of as many possibilities as they can. As students work, encourage them to use the representations and develop clear explanations for their strategies. See Figure 3 for possible strategies.

Have partners share their representations with the class. Then select another starting number and ask student pairs to pretend they spun 10 more, 10 less, 1 more, or 1 less than that number. Give them time to represent the relationships between the numbers in other ways.

Assign the Follow the Moves page in the Student Activity Book to assess students' understanding of the concepts in this lesson.

Use the Follow the Moves page in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to represent addition and subtraction using number sentences [E3]; read and write numbers to 100 [E4]; identify numbers that are 10 more,
10 less, one more, and one less than a number using the
100 Chart [E5]; and solve addition and subtraction problems involving multiples of ten using the 100 Chart [E7].

For targeted practice, place copies of the Moving on the
100 Chart Game at Home
Homework Masters,
2 different-colored markers, and spinners (or a paper clip and pencil) in a center.

Using different representations to show 18 − 10 = 8