Lesson 8

Use Math Strategies to Solve Problems

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Developing the Lesson

Use Math Practices to Solve Problems. Remind students that in the last lesson they counted bags of marbles by tens and twenties and solved addition and subtraction problems. In this lesson, they will solve different problem types using the Math Practices. See Content Note.

It's important that students encounter a range of different kinds of problems. The work of Thomas Carpenter and his colleagues with the Cognitively Guided Instruction Project (CGI) provides insights that can help teachers with this process (Carpenter, et al., 1999). They devised a classification scheme for problems most adults would solve by addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. CGI classifies the addition and subtraction situations into 11 types of problems.

Display the chart with the three problems you prepared prior to the lesson. See Materials Preparation. Display and direct students' attention to the Math Practices page in the Student Activity Book. Have number lines, connecting cubes, and the 100 Chart in the Student Activity Book Reference section readily available.

  • For Math Practice 1, Know the problem, you have to know what the question is asking us to do and what information is important to solve the problem. What do you know? (Possible response: We know Maria had 40 marbles. We don't know how many she found, but we know she had 60 marbles at the end. We have to find how many marbles she found.)
  • For Math Practice 2, Find a strategy, you have to find a strategy. What strategy and what tools should you choose? (Possible response: I think we need to add the number she started with and add more until we get to 60. I would use connecting cubes.)
  • For Math Practice 5, Show my work, you have to show your work. How would you do this? (Possible response: I start with 40 connecting cubes. I add another train of 10 to make 50, and then another train of 10 and I get 60. The two trains of ten cubes means that she found 20 marbles.)
  • What is a number sentence for this problem? (Possible response: I knew it was 40 +
      = 60. I added 20, so the number sentence is 40 + 20 = 60.)
  • For Math Practice 3, Check for reasonableness, you have to check for reasonableness or make sure your answer makes sense. Does this solution make sense? How do you know? (Yes, because if you add 40 + 20, you will get 60. I know 4 + 2 = 6, so 4 tens plus 2 tens will be 6 tens or 60.)

Read Question 2 on the chart. In this question, the start is unknown but students know the change and the result. Follow the same procedure using the Math Practices page, focusing students' attention on Math Practice 1, Know the problem; Math Practice 2, Find a strategy; and Math Practice 5, Show your work.

  • What do you need to find out [MPE1]? (how many marbles are left)
  • What is the important information in the problem? (Possible response: Tony had 60 marbles. First, he sold 40 marbles and then he sold 10 more.)
  • What strategy can you use to solve the problem [MPE2]? How do you know? (Possible response: subtraction; If Tony is selling marbles, he will have less at the end.)
  • What is a number sentence for the problem? (Possible response: 60 − 40 − 10 = 10, or 60 − 40 = 20 and then 20 − 10 = 10)
  • How would you show your work [MPE5]? (Possible response: I would use the 100 Chart. Start at 60 and go back 4 rows to 20 and then go back one more row to 10.)
  • Does the answer make sense [MPE3]? (Possible response: Yes, I know I have to have less in the end because Tony sold marbles twice. First he sold 40 and then he sold 10. If I think of it as 6 tens − 4 tens − 1 ten, it's like 6 − 4 − 1 and that equals 1, so the answer is
    1 ten or 10.)
  • Solve this problem another way.

If students do not suggest it, share the following solution, displaying the number sentences. First add the two amounts Tony sold: 40 + 10 = 50. Then subtract 60 − 50 = 10. This may be confusing to students because they have to add before they subtract. See Content Note. Demonstrate the problem by starting with 6 trains of 10 cubes. Put 4 trains together with
1 train and then take them away. To verify the solution, start again with 6 trains of ten cubes, take away 4 trains of ten cubes and then 1 train of ten cubes.

  • How many did I take away altogether?
    (40 + 10 = 50)
  • Why did I add 40 + 10? (That was the number of marbles that Tony sold.)
  • Does this solution make sense? How can you check it? (Possible response: I could solve it another way. Start at 60 on the class number line. Hop back 40 to 20, and then hop back 10 to 10. The solution makes sense.)

Fostering a positive attitude toward mathematics is an important goal and this curriculum should lead students to conclude:

  • Problems can almost always be solved in more than one way.
  • Using various methods on the same problem should yield the same solution (or at least a close one).
  • Solution methods should be explained, discussed, compared, and contrasted.
  • Some problems are hard and may require more than a few minutes to solve.
  • It is both normal and acceptable to make mistakes.
  • Mathematics makes sense.

Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems. Next, introduce the problems on the Adding and Subtracting Bags of Marbles pages in the Student Activity Book and have students work in pairs to complete Questions 1–6. Have connecting cubes,
100 Charts, and number lines readily available. Remind students to keep the display of the Math Practices page in mind as they solve their problems. Emphasize that for MPE3, students should check for reasonableness, and if their answer does not make sense, they should try again. Monitor students as they work and look for the use of a variety of strategies.

  • What information was important in this problem?
  • Was there any extra information?
  • Did you add or subtract to find this answer?
  • Show or tell how you solved the problem in Question [number].
  • Did someone solve this problem another way?
  • How can you check to make sure this answer is reasonable?
  • Did you use any tools to solve Question [number]?
  • Explain what the numbers in your number sentence mean.

See the Sample Dialog for a sample discussion of Question 5.

Use this sample dialog to discuss

Question 5 on the Adding and

Subtracting Bags of Marbles page.

Teacher: Tony had 70 red marbles in seven bags of 10. He sold 40 marbles. Then he found 20 more marbles in a box. How many marbles does he have now? What information in the problem is important and what is the question we have to answer?

Julia: I see the numbers 70, 7, 10, 40, and 20. I think those are the important numbers I need to solve the problem. We have to find out how many marbles Tony has at the end of the problem.

Teacher: Does everyone agree?

Faith: I don't think we need to use all those numbers. There were 70 marbles in 7 bags of 10. The numbers 7 and 10 just describe how the marbles are placed in bags: 7 bags of 10—that's the same as 70. We don't have to use the 7 and 10 to solve the problem.

Teacher: Great answer, Faith! It's important to figure out which numbers you need to solve the problem. Now we know which numbers are important and the question we have to answer. Who can tell me how you solved the problem?

Brandon: Tony had 70 marbles and sold 40. Then he found 20 more. My number sentence is 70 − 40 − 20 = 10.

Teacher: Does someone have a different solution? Is the answer reasonable?

Sarah: That doesn't seem reasonable. If Tony started with 70 and he sold 40, he would have 30 left. Then he found 20 more marbles. He should have more than 30, not less! I think he should have 50 marbles at the end. My number sentence is 70 − 40 + 20 = 50.

Teacher: Sarah, show or tell us how you solved the problem.

Sarah: I used the 100 Chart. I found 70 and went back 40 and I was at 30. Then I had to add 20, so I moved from 30 to 40 to 50. My answer is 50.

Teacher: Great job, Sarah! When we have a problem with more than one step, we have to solve one step at a time. First Sarah found 70 − 40 = 30 and then she said 30 + 20 = 50.

After students have had time to discuss solution strategies, assign the Problem Solving with Bags of Marbles page in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to solve problems using efficient math practices.


Use the Problem Solving with Bags of Marbles with the Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to represent addition and subtraction situations using number sentences [E3]; solve addition and subtraction problems involving multiples of ten [E7]; know what is important to solve a problem [MPE1]; find addition and subtraction strategies to solve problems [MPE2]; check for reasonableness [MPE3]; and show how to solve problems [MPE5].
