Lesson 8

Use Math Strategies to Solve Problems

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

Display the Professor Peabody's Problem Master. Have students use the Math Practices page in the Student Activity Book to analyze the answer Professor Peabody gave for the following problem.

  • In the morning Maria had 90 marbles in 9 bags of ten. She sold 70 marbles to Tony. Later she bought 20 more marbles. How many marbles did she have at the end of the day?
  • Professor Peabody said, "My number sentence is
    90 − 70 = 20. I used my head. First I added
    70 + 20 = 90. Then I subtracted 90 − 90 and the answer is 0."
  • Do you think Professor Peabody is right?

Have students work in pairs to discuss the reasonableness of Professor Peabody's answer.

  • Did Professor Peabody know the question to answer and what information is important [MPE1]? (Yes. He knew which numbers were important and what he had to solve.)
  • Did he find a strategy [MPE2]? (Possible response: Yes, he used mental math to solve the number sentence 90 − 70 + 20.)
  • Was it an efficient strategy? (Possible response: No, because he got the wrong answer.)
  • Was his answer reasonable [MPE3]? (Possible response: No, because how could he have 0 if Maria bought 20 more marbles?)
  • What do you think he did wrong? (Possible response: He added 70 + 20 and took that away from 90. Instead of adding the 20 marbles Maria bought later, he subtracted that number, also.)
  • How would you solve Professor Peabody's problem? (Solution strategies will vary.)

Professor Peabody's response should help students to see the importance of checking their solutions for reasonableness.