Lesson 8

Workshop: Subtraction Practice

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Have student share solutions strategies.

  1. $73;24 = 20 + 4
    + 49 = 40 + 9
    60 + 13 = 73
  2. Yes; Carla will have $23 left; 37 + 15= 52 spent. 75 − 52 = 23. I thought about money. I subtracted 50 from 75 and then subtracted 2 more.
  3. $17; I counted up on the number line from 39 to 40 then made one hop of 10 to 50 then added 6 more; 1 + 10 + 6 = 17.

DD. At the Toy Store

Tell your neighbor how you solved each problem.

  1. Richard bought a helmet and a scooter. How much did he spend?
  2. Carla had $75. Can she buy roller skates and a skate board? Will she have any money left? If so, how much?
  3. Luis has $39. He wants to buy a remote control car. How much more money does he need?