Lesson 4

Subtraction with Base-Ten Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Have base-ten pieces, number lines, 200 Charts, and Addition Strategies Menus readily available.

  1. Possible solution:

    + 17

  2. Possible solution:

    23 = 20 + 3
    + 98 = 90 + 8
    110 + 11 = 121
  3. Possible response: I thought of money; 23 is 2 less than one quarter and 98 is 2 less than $1.00 so the answer is about 125 and my answer
    is 121.

K. Addition

  1. 43 + 17 =
  2. 23
    + 98
  1. Show or tell how you can check to see if your answer for Question B is reasonable.