Lesson 10

End-of-Year Test

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Summarizing the Lesson

After they have completed the assessment and you have checked it, ask students to look back over their work and correct any errors. You can also ask them to revise answers based on the feedback you provided using the End-of-Year Test Feedback Box for Math Practices.

Use the End-of-Year Test Assessment Master to assess concepts and skills studied in Units 9–13. As with all such cumulative assessments, it is only one indication of a student's progress and should be read in conjunction with other data such as observations, written work on extended-response questions, and documentation of student progress on Expectations.

The overall score on the End-of-Year Test can be used to provide a broad-brush view of a student's progress. However, the test is better utilized to give information about specific areas of interest and concern. The questions on the test can be matched with specific Key Ideas and Expectations within content strands. See Figures 1–2. Isolating the answer to specific questions can contribute to a more robust picture.

Use the Feedback Box and Questions 1–4 to assess students' abilities to read and understand the problem [MPE1]; choose good tools and strategies [MPE2]; check for reasonableness [MPE3]; check calculations [MPE4]; communicate solution strategies [MPE5]; and label answers [MPE6].

End-of-Year Test questions correlated to Expectations for Number and Algebra
End-of-Year Test questions correlated to Expectations for Geometry, Measurement, and Data