Lesson 2

More Multiplication Stories

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Homework and Practice

  • Assign Break into Tens and Ones in the Student Activity Book for homework. Students may use the Multiplication Table page in the Student Guide Reference section.
  • Assign DPP items C–F. Bit C provides practice with multidigit subtraction strategies. Assign Task D as a Problem of the Week. Students find multiple ways to solve a problem involving the perimeter of a string of triangles. In Task F, students find the area of irregular shapes.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 1–2. Part 2 provides practice with estimating sums and differences.

Math Facts. Bit E provides practice with the last six multiplication facts. Home Practice Part 1 reminds students to take home their Triangle Flash Cards for all the multiplication fact groups to prepare for the assessments of all the multiplication facts in Bit EE.
