Lesson 4

Solving Problems with Multiplication and Division

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Mathematical Standards

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. (3.OA.A.3)
Multiply and divide within 100. (3.OA.C.7)
Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. (3.OA.D.8)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make sense of structure.

Using numbers between 25 and 50, students explore the number of groups of equal size that can be made from various numbers of objects. Students represent remainders in drawings and number sentences. Then they use strategies to solve multiplication and division word problems, including division problems in which remainders must be interpreted.

Content in this Lesson

  • Representing multidigit division problems using counters, rectangular arrays, drawings, and number sentences [E1].
  • Representing 2-digit by1-digit multiplication problems using counters, rectangular arrays, drawings, stories, and number sentences [E1].
  • Solving multidigit multiplication problems using mental math strategies [E3].
  • Solving multidigit division problems using mental math strategies [E4].
  • Interpreting remainders of multidigit division problems [E6].
  • Solving multistep word problems using multiplication and division [E8].

Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide
Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Supplies for Students

base-ten pieces
50 connecting cubes or counters
calculators, optional

Materials for the Teacher

Display of Ways to Divide 30 Master (Teacher Guide)
Unit 13 Assessment Record

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed Math Practices Expectation Assessed

Solving Problems with Multiplication and Division
Check-In: Questions 13–17
Student Guide
Page 375
and corresponding Feedback Box
Teacher Guide - digital

Represent 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication and multidigit division problems using counters, tiles, rectangular arrays, drawings, stories, and number sentences.
Solve multidigit multiplication problems using mental math strategies (e.g., composing and decomposing numbers, and doubling and halving).
Solve multidigit division problems using mental math strategies (e.g., thinking multiplication, repeated subtraction, using turn-around facts).
Interpret remainders of multidigit division problems.
Solve multistep word problems involving the four operations.
Know the problem. I read the problem carefully. I know the questions to answer and what information is important.
Find a strategy. I choose good tools and an efficient strategy for solving the problem.
Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so someone else can understand my thinking.
Use labels. I use labels to show what numbers mean.

Vocabulary in this Lesson