Lesson 4

Solving Problems With Multiplication and Division

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Ask students to share the division stories they wrote for Question 12. Discuss their explanation of the remainders and how they are used in their stories.

Assign Check-In: Questions 13–17. These are multistep word problems that involve multiplication and division. Encourage students to use the strategies and methods they have learned as they solve each problem.

Use Check-In: Questions 13–17 on the Solving Problems with Multiplication and Division pages in the Student Guide and the corresponding Feedback Box in the Teacher Guide to assess students' abilities to represent multidigit multiplication and division problems using counters, tiles, rectangular arrays, drawings, and number sentences [E1]; solve multidigit multiplication and division problems using mental math strategies [E3, E4]; interpret remainders of multidigit division problems [E6]; and solve multistep problems involving the four operations [E8].

Use Check-In: Questions 13–17 to assess students' abilities to know the problem [MPE1]; find a strategy [MPE2]; show their work [MPE5]; and use labels [MPE6].
