Lesson 7

Measuring Volume of Containers

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Summarizing the Lesson

Assign Check-In: Questions 7–8 in the Student Guide to be completed by each group.

Observe students as they estimate the volume of the containers using cubic centimeters [E11] and as they measure the volume of the containers to the nearest cubic centimeter using the graduated cylinder [E10].

Place the measurement materials for this activity in a learning center and ask students to measure the volume of different containers with connecting cubes and then with water and a graduated cylinder to provide additional practice with these Expectations [E10, E11].

After students have finished their exploration provide time for them to share the estimated volumes and actual volumes of their containers.

  • Was your estimated volume for this container reasonable? How did you decide?
  • Why is it more accurate to measure the volume of containers using a graduated cylinder rather than the centimeter cubes?

If time permits, have groups trade their containers with another group so they can continue practicing finding the volume of containers using centimeter cubes and graduated cylinders.