Lesson 5

Earning Money

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2. Reviewing Student Work

Use Math Practices. After students have had time to solve the problem and write about their solutions, choose one or two pieces of student work to review with the class. It is usually more useful to discuss work from your own class, but you may decide to use the sample work provided as Masters at the end of this lesson guide.

Direct students to the Math Practices page in the Student Guide Reference section. Explain that they will think about these Expectations as they look at student work samples.

Review Kim's Work. Display a copy of the Kim's Work Master. Use the following suggested discussion prompts to review Kim's solution. Use a display of the Earning Money Problem Feedback Box page in the Student Activity Book to record student feedback. Figure 1 shows feedback students might give Kim.

  • How did Kim solve this problem? (Kim used a guess-and-check strategy and organized her work in a table.)
  • Do you think Kim read the problem carefully? (Yes, she solved the problem so that each babysitter got the same amount of money. She used most of the $5.00 and said the 2¢ remainder should go to charity or something.)
  • Did Kim choose a good and efficient strategy? (Her guess-and-check strategy worked, but it is not very efficient.)
  • Did she show or tell how she solved the problem so someone else can understand her thinking? (Yes, she organized her work in a table and showed what worked and what did not work. She also said she added $1.66 three times and there was 2 remaining.)
  • Did Kim show or tell how she used tools to help her solve the problem? (Kim showed her work organized in a table. It is unclear if she used a calculator to check her work.)
  • Did Kim show or tell what the numbers mean? (Yes, she labeled all the numbers with dollar and cents signs in the chart and in the written explanations.)
  • How did she show that she checked her solution to make sure it was reasonable? (Kim used an addition sentence to check her solution. She also used a multiplication sentence. She may have used a calculator because she said, “It gave me $4.98.”)
  • What can you tell Kim to help her revise her work? (Kim has some errors in her chart that could be corrected. She also needs to show how she got her remainders.)

Review Marco's Work. Display a copy of the Marco's Work Master. Use the following suggested discussion prompts to review Marco's solution. Use a display of the Earning Money Problem Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to record student feedback. Figure 2 shows feedback students might give Marco.

  • What does Marco's work show about how he solves this problem? (Marco used a guess-and-check strategy, but he did not organize his work and did not show his answer.)
  • Do you think Marco read the problem carefully? (He knew he had to divide the money among the three babysitters, but he never showed his final answer and he did not show any remainders.)
  • Do you think Marco chose a good and efficient strategy? (A guess-and-check strategy can be a good strategy, but Marco did not organize his work so it was not efficient.)
  • Did he show or tell how he solved the problem so someone else can understand his thinking? (Marco used repeated addition and multiplication. He explained very little of his strategy or thinking. He did show his trials but did not organize them. He did not identify his final answer.)
  • Did Marco show or tell how he used tools? (Marco did say he did not use play money and that he did use a calculator.)
  • Did Marco show or tell what numbers mean? (Yes, he labeled most of his numbers to show dollars and cents.)
  • How did Marco show that he checked his solution to make sure it was reasonable? (Since Marco never answered the question, it is not clear if he knew which answer was reasonable.)
  • What would you tell Marco to help him revise his work? (Marco needs to organize his work so it is easier to read. He needs to identify which answer is his final answer. He also needs to identify the remainder and how it will be used.)

Review Jayne's Work. Display a copy of the Jayne's Work Master. Use the following suggested discussion prompts to review Jayne's solution. Use a display of the Earning Money Problem Feedback Box in the Student Activity Book to record student feedback. Figure 3 shows feedback students might give Jayne.

  • What does Jayne's work show about how she solved this problem? (Jayne used both pretend money and a calculator to divide the money equally.)
  • Do you think Jayne read the problem carefully? (Yes, she made a plan and solved the problem. Jayne said there was a remainder but did not say what she would do with the remainder.)
  • Did Jayne choose a good and efficient strategy? (Yes, Jayne used division with the pretend money and with a calculator. She also used the calculator to check her work using repeated addition and repeated subtraction.)
  • Did Jayne show or tell how she solved the problem so someone else could understand her thinking? (Jayne showed how she used division, addition, and subtraction to solve the problem. She also explained how to use the calculator.)
  • Did Jayne show or tell how she used tools? (Yes, she told that she used pretend money and the calculator.)
  • Did she show or tell what the numbers mean? (Yes, she used the dollar and cent signs to label her numbers.)
  • How did Jayne show that she checked her solution to make sure it was reasonable? (Jayne checked her answer using repeated addition and repeated subtraction.)
  • What would you tell Jayne to help her revise her work? (Jayne needs to tell what she would do with the remaining 2¢.)
A review of Kim's work using the Earning Money Problem Feedback Box
A review of Marco's work using Earning Money Problem Feedback Box
A review of Jayne's work using Earning Money Problem Feedback Box