Lesson 8

Fill It Up

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Summarizing the Lesson

Share Solutions. Ask a few students to share their solutions to Questions 8–10 with the class. This is an opportunity to examine and discuss a variety of solution strategies. These problems also provide an opportunity to observe students' abilities to measure and estimate volume.

Find Mystery Jar's Volume. Show the students a “mystery jar.” Tell students to consider the data they collected in the investigation as you ask:

  • Estimate the volume of the mystery jar.
  • How did you use the data you collected in the investigation to help you estimate? (Possible response: I thought about the sizes and shapes of the containers I used in the investigation and the data I collected on their volumes. I compared this to the size and shape of the mystery jar to help me make a good estimate.)

Now challenge the group to measure the volume of the mystery jar.

  • Which method should we use to measure the volume. Why?

Discuss the pros and cons of each method proposed. Agree as a group to use one of the methods. Use this method to measure the volume of the mystery jar for the class, or ask a student volunteer to show how to measure it.

  • How can we be sure the volume is accurate? (Repeat the measurement process so that we have three times to look for error.)

Measure the volume two more times so that you have performed three accurate trials. Ask a student volunteer to find the median value.

  • How does the median volume compare with your estimate?

Challenge children to estimate and find the volume of a class “mystery jar,” whose shape is irregular. Collect student estimates and then ask a volunteer to check the volume of the container using a graduated cylinder. Compare students' estimates with the measured volume.