Lesson 4

Solving Problems With Multiplication and Division

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Discuss the variety of strategies students use to solve these problems involving the last six facts.

  1. 8 hops
  2. 4; Since the hop is twice as big as the +7 hop, it will take half as many hops. Skip count by 14 on the calculator or with paper and pencil.
  3. 40; In Problem 2 we discovered that 14 × 4 = 56. Therefore, 14 × 40 = 560.

M. Math Hopper

If the following constant math hoppers start at 0:

  1. How many hops would it take for a +7 math hopper to reach 56?
  2. How many hops would it take for a +14 math hopper to reach 56?
  3. How many hops would it take for a +14 math hopper to reach 560?