Lesson 5

Plotting and Describing Shapes

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Homework and Practice

Use Questions 8–10 in the Homework section of the Student Guide to assess students' abilities to identify and describe two-dimensional shapes [E4]; locate and describe locations in all four quadrants using ordered pairs [E6]; justify conclusions using geometric properties [E7]; and show work [MPE5].

To provide targeted practice with identifying and describe two-dimensional shapes, have students play the Name That Property with a partner.

  • Assign Questions 6–7 in the Student Guide after Part 1.
  • Assign the Homework section in the Student Guide after Part 2.
  • Assign DPP items M–P. In Bit M, students work with negative numbers.
  • Challenge N can be assigned as a Problem of the Week. Students solve a mystery using logic.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 3–4. In Part 3, students practice solving addition and subtraction problems with fractions. In Part 4, students plot points on a coordinate graph.

Math Facts. In Bit O, students use the rectangle model and break-apart products to solve the last six multiplication facts. In Task P, students practice the last six multiplication facts while solving a multistep problem involving area.
