Lesson 7

Multiply Fractions by a Whole

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Summarizing the Lesson

Upon completion of the problems on the Multiply Fractions by a Whole pages, discuss several students' solutions for Questions 15–16. See Figures 5–6 for possible solution strategies.

Assign the Turkey and Potatoes Assessment Masters for students to complete individually.

Use the Turkey and Potatoes Assessment Masters with the Feedback Box to assess students' abilities to represent multiplication of fractions with area models, number lines, number sentences, and drawings [E3]; multiply fractions using area models, drawings, number lines, mental math, or paper and pencil [E4]; solve word problems involving multiplication of fractions [E5]; represent the simplest form of a fraction [E2]; finding a strategy [MPE2]; check calculations [MPE4]; and show work [MPE5].

The Workshop in Lesson 11 provides targeted practice with the Expectations.

Ways of finding a fraction of a whole, 3/4 of 20, in
Question 15
Ways of finding wholes of fractions, 3 × 2/3, in Question 16