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Students will need the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit:
- stopwatches or a clocks with a second hand
- calculators
- rulers
- square-inch tiles
- fraction circle pieces
- Centimeter Grid Paper
(Teacher Guide)
- Decimal Grids
(Teacher Guide)
- Hundredths Circles
(Teacher Guide)
- Reference section (Student Guide)
LESSON 1Fraction Sums and Differences |
2 | Students estimate fraction sums and differences. They use fraction circle pieces, number lines, and multiplication and division strategies to find equivalent fractions with common denominators. Students then use these strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving fractions with unlike denominators. |
LESSON 2Using Common Denominators |
2–3 | Students find common denominators and use them to add, subtract, and compare fractions. They use estimation to check the reasonableness of their answers. |
LESSON 3Compose and Decompose Mixed Numbers |
2 | Students play a game using fraction circle pieces to compose and add mixed number fractions. The Circle Duets game emphasizes the use of manipulatives rather than procedures to add mixed numbers so that students develop fraction number sense. Students use fraction circle pieces to decompose and rename numbers greater than one as mixed numbers and improper fractions. |
LESSON 4Add Mixed Numbers |
1 | Students use fraction circle pieces to model the addition of mixed numbers and to develop paper-and-pencil procedures. |
LESSON 5Subtract Mixed Numbers |
2–3 | Students use fraction circle pieces to model the subtraction of mixed numbers and to develop paper-and-pencil procedures. They add mixed numbers to check their subtraction. Students play Closest to, a game involving estimation and subtraction. |
LESSON 6Workshop: Add and Subtract Fractions |
2 | Students practice estimating, adding, and subtracting fractions including those with unlike denominators and mixed numbers. Students choose to play either Circle Duets to practice adding fractions or the Closest To game to practice estimation and subtraction. |
LESSON 7Multiply Fractions by a Whole |
2 | Students read “Peanut Soup,” a story about George Washington Carver and his students planning a luncheon in which they use fractions to convert recipes to the needed size. Students use a variety of strategies and representations to multiply fractions by whole numbers. |
LESSON 8Multiply Two Fractions |
2 | Students use fraction circle pieces and rectangles to model fraction multiplication. They explore a variety of ways to find the product of two fractions. Students use paper folding to look for patterns and generalize a paper-and-pencil procedure for multiplying fractions. |
LESSON 9Solving Fraction Multiplication Problems |
2 | Students use models and strategies to solve multiplication problems involving fractions. They find partial products using a rectangle model to multiply a mixed number by a fraction to find area. |
LESSON 10Divide Fractions |
2–3 | Students use area models, number lines, and drawings to represent and solve word problems involving division of fractions and share their invented strategies. Students use the relationship between multiplication and division to solve fraction division problems. |
LESSON 11Workshop: Multiply and Divide Fractions |
1–2 | Students use a variety of strategies to practice multiplying and dividing fractions. |