Lesson 6

Sampling and Proportions

Est. Class Sessions: 4

Homework and Practice

  • Assign the Homework section in the Student Guide. Students graph sample size data, use ratios and proportions to solve problems, and explain their thinking.
  • Assign DPP items EE–LL. Students practice comparing and estimating sums involving fractions in Bit EE. Students solve multistep problems involving the area of rectangles and triangles in Task FF. In Bit GG, students practice finding equivalent fractions. Students practice estimating the circumference when given the diameter in Task HH. In Bit II, students estimate and compare sums and differences involving fractions and decimals. In Challenge JJ, students solve a multistep problem involving area. In Bit KK, students find the missing values for a data table. In Task LL, students compare fractions and decimals.
  • Assign Home Practice Part 7. Students use ratios to solve problems.