Lesson 2

Measure with Links

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Summarizing the Lesson

Conduct a class discussion about what to remember when measuring with links. Record student responses on a piece of chart paper titled "Measuring Advice." See Figure 2.

Keep the chart posted for use in Lessons 3 and 5 and as a reminder throughout the unit.

  • What advice would you give someone about measuring with links?
  • What should they remember about where to place the chain to start and stop? (Start at an end, not the middle, and go all the way to the other end.)
  • What other important things should they do when placing the chain on the object? (Keep the chain straight. Stretch the chain evenly with no zig-zags.)
  • What is an easy and quick way to count the links? (Count by fives and the leftovers by ones.)
  • How should they decide the total if there are extra links? (Don't count the extra links, just go all the way to the end and stop. If there's part of a link, say what it's closer to or that it's between 22 and 23 links.)
  • How should they show the measurement? (They need to tell the number for the measurement and add a word to tell what unit they used, like "22 links.")

As a reminder, direct students' attention to Math Practice 2, Use labels, on the display of the Math Practices page.

See the Sample Dialog for a discussion of using links to measure
a desk.

In this Sample Dialog, the class discusses advice to remember when measuring a desk with connecting links.

Teacher: What advice would you give someone about measuring a desk with links? John?

John: I would say line up the chain.

Teacher: What do you line the chain up with, John?

John: Start the chain where the desk starts.

Teacher: Okay. Make sure that the edge of your desk is lined up with one end of the chain. Linda?

Linda: Keep them straight.

Teacher: So we have to line up the desk and the chain, and make sure to keep the links in a straight line. Frank?

Frank: Only count links with the desk.

Teacher: How are the links with the desk?

Frank: You know, don't go past the desk when you count.

Teacher: Do you mean that once you have lined up the edge of the desk with the beginning of your chain and made a straight line with the links that you only count the links lined up on the desk?

Frank: Ummmm…

[The teacher demonstrates.]

Teacher: Is this it?

Frank: Yes.

Teacher: Okay. We have a great start on our "Measuring Advice" chart.

Sample chart of advice when measuring with links