Lesson 3

Rolling Along with Links

Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Summarizing the Lesson

  • The red car didn't roll the same distance every time. Why?
  • If you made the ramp steeper, which car would be the best roller? Why?
  • If you moved the starting line, which car would be the worst roller?
  • Using what you know about the distance the red car rolled, how far would you predict it might roll the next time? How did you decide what to predict?
  • If you move the starting line closer to the top of the ramp, would the blue car roll farther? Explain.

Provide time for students to complete the Brian's Class page in Student Activity Book that asks students to examine the data for a fictional class.

Use the Brian's Class page in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to solve addition problems involving length using a graph [E6] and read a bar graph to find and compare information about a data set [E5, E11].
