Lesson 5

Measure with Inches

Est. Class Sessions: 1–2

Summarizing the Lesson

  • How could a 12-inch ruler have helped the king and the apprentice? (If they had a ruler with inches, they could both use the same unit of measure to measure the queen and the bed. They would not have gotten so confused.)
  • Imagine you have to teach the king about inches. How big would you tell him an inch is? (Answers will vary. Possible responses: about half of my pinkie; the length of my pencil-top eraser)
  • What did you find that was about as long as your ruler, or 12 inches long? (Answers will vary.)
  • Pretend that the king said, "The queen's new bed is 5 inches long." Would you say "That could be" or "That's crazy"? Why? (That's crazy! The queen could not sleep in a bed that small.)
  • Could be or crazy? The queen said, "My hair brush is 10 inches long." (could be)
  • Could be or crazy? The apprentice said, "My hammer is 12 inches long." (could be)
  • Could be or crazy? The king said, "My chair is 6 inches long." (crazy)

Assign the Could Be or Crazy page in the Student Activity Book.

Use the Could Be or Crazy page in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to measure and estimate length using inches [E9].
