Gather the books How Big Is a Foot? by Rolf Myller and Before & After: A Book of Nature Timescapes by Jan Thornhill.

Display the class number line (0–130) where students can see and reach it with a pointer.

Attach a desk number line (0–40) to each student's desk.

Display the Math Practices page where all students can see it.

Prepare bags containing 35–50 pennies, 8–10 nickels, and 4–5 dimes for each student pair.

Prepare bags containing a two-color collection of about 50 connecting links for each student pair.

Gather toy cars and a ramp for the Rolling Along with Links lab in Lesson 3.

Have the following tools readily available for the Daily Practice and Problems items in this unit.
    • You and your students will need:

      Addition Flash Cards: Group C
      ten frames
      number lines
      connecting cubes
      connecting links
      45-link connecting link chains from Lesson 2
      12-inch rulers
      pattern blocks

    • You will also need:

      two 12-inch rulers
      container of counters



Group and
Count by Fives
and Tens

2–3 Students group and count objects by ones, twos, fives, and tens. They trade pennies for nickels and nickels for dimes to find the total amount of money efficiently and organize and efficiently count links in chains to prepare for measurement activities.
  • class number line (0–130)
  • display set of coins
  • pennies
  • nickels
  • dimes
  • connecting links
  • plastic bags


Measure with

1–2 Students skip count by fives using chains of connecting links to measure and record the lengths of various objects.
  • class number line (0–130)
  • connecting links
  • chart paper


Rolling Along
with Links

3–4 The Adventure Book story, "Betty Builds a Better Racer" sets the context for a laboratory investigation in which students use nonstandard units to measure the length a toy car rolls. Students group and count by fives and tens while they collect, record, and analyze data, and are introduced to the concept of "fairness" by keeping certain experimental variables constant.
  • Measuring Advice chart from Lesson 2
  • 45-link chain from Lesson 2
  • ramp
  • toy cars
  • blocks or books
  • index cards or self-adhesive notes
  • masking tape


Measure with
Unusual Units

3 Students examine the relationship between the size of a unit and the number of units in a measurement. They measure, compare, and order the length of an object using different nonstandard units of measure while practicing good measurement techniques.
  • Measuring Advice chart from Lesson 2
  • assortment of objects (e.g., markers, paper clips, erasers) in containers
  • chart paper
  • How Big Is a Foot? by Rolf Myller
  • pencil
  • self-adhesive notes
  • small and large paper clips
  • masking tape or chalk


Measure with

1–2 Students transition from measuring with nonstandard units to measuring in inches. They use 12-inch rulers to measure objects in the classroom.
  • How Big Is a Foot? by Rolf Myller
  • Measuring Advice chart from Lesson 2
  • 12-inch rulers
  • chart paper


How Long
Does It Take

2 Students identify actions or activities that can be completed in a few seconds, about a minute, about five minutes, about an hour, or more than an hour.
  • Before & After: A Book of Nature Timescapes by Jan Thornhill
  • chart paper
  • clock or stop watch