Lesson 1

Strategies for Subtraction Facts

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

Have base-ten pieces readily available.

    1. 152

    2. 140 + 12 = 152
  1. No
    1. Answers will vary.

    2. Trade ten skinnies for a flat. Trade ten bits for a skinny. With the fewest pieces, 152 is represented with one flat, five skinnies, and two bits.

    3. 100 + 50 + 2 = 152

D. Base-Ten Pieces

Frank placed 14 skinnies and 12 bits on his desk.

  1. A. What number is Frank representing? _______________________

    B. Write a number sentence for Frank’s base-ten pieces.

  2. Is Frank using the fewest pieces to represent this number? _________

    A. How can you tell?

    B. If not, which pieces will represent the number using the fewest pieces?

    C. Write a number sentence for the number using the fewest pieces.