Lesson 5

Completing the Table

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Developing the Lesson

Part 1. Multiplication Facts and Triangle Flash Cards

Demonstrate the Flash Card Process. Have students remove the Sorting Flash Cards Board page and the Multiplication Facts I Know page from the Student Activity Book. Display and direct students' attention to the Multiplication Facts and Triangle Flash Cards section on the first Completing the Table page in the Student Guide. This page outlines how students use the Triangle Flash Cards and the Multiplication Facts I Know chart to practice the multiplication facts. They will quiz a partner with the flash cards, sort the cards into piles to determine which facts they still need to practice, discuss strategies, practice again, and then circle the facts they know on their own Multiplication Facts I Know charts.

Students will use the Self-Check in the Multiplication Facts and Triangle Flash Cards section of the Completing the Table pages in the Student Guide to self-assess their progress toward fluency with the multiplication facts for the 5s and 10s [E12].

Read the page together as a class, demonstrating the process with a set of Triangle Flash Cards: 5s and the graphic of the chart in the Student Guide. Discuss all the steps before allowing students to work with a partner.

Referring to the Multiplication Facts I Know chart on the display of the Completing the Table page, remind students that they have learned the multiplication properties of zero and one.

  • What is 0 × 5? (0)
  • Tell a multiplication story that would help us understand why 0 × 5 = 0. (Responses will vary. A +0 constant hopper starts at 0 and makes 5 hops. The hopper will land on zero; there are zero chocolate candies in a cup of trail mix. How many chocolate candies are in 5 cups of trail mix?)
  • What is 1 × 5? (5)
  • Tell a multiplication story that would help us understand why 1 × 5 = 5. (Responses will vary. A +1 constant hopper starts at 0 and makes 5 hops. The hopper will land on 5; there is 1 cherry on each sundae. How many cherries are on 5 sundaes?)

Students should be able to circle the products of zero and one on their charts.

Practice with Flash Cards. Distribute copies of the Triangle Flash Cards: 5s and Triangle Flash Cards: 10s from the Teacher Guide. Ask students to cut out the Flash Cards and then begin their practice with a partner. Remind students to carefully follow the step-by-step directions on the Completing the Table page.

Students need to make a list of the facts they did not circle on their charts. They take this list home along with their flash cards to practice the facts they need to study with a family member. Students will take a quiz on the multiplication facts for the fives and tens at the end of this unit. After the quiz, they update their charts.

As students encounter multiplication problems with the facts in the lessons, encourage them to share their strategies. The fives and tens are easily solved using skip counting. Students may also use their 200 Charts found in the Student Guide Reference section, repeated addition, reasoning from known facts, counters, number lines, and other invented strategies to solve multiplication problems at this stage.

Instruct students to keep their Multiplication Facts I Know charts in a safe place. They will use the charts to track their progress learning the multiplication facts as they continue to study them.
