Multiplication Number Sentences
Est. Class Sessions: 2Homework and Practice
- Assign the Multiplication with 5s and 10s Homework pages in the Student Activity Book. Have copies of the Centimeter Grid Paper Master available for students who choose to use them.
- Assign DPP items CC–FF. In Task DD students practice multidigit addition and subtraction. In Bit EE students solve problems involving time.
- Assign Task FF as a Problem of the Week. In this item students solve problems involving combinations of coins.
- Assign Home Practice Part 5. Part 5 provides practice with solving problems involving addition and subtraction.
Math Facts. Bit CC provides an opportunity to practice and assess the multiplication facts for the 5s and 10s.
Remind students to practice the multiplication facts for the 5s and 10s using the Triangle Flash Cards. DPP Bit II provides an opportunity to assess students' fluency with the multiplication facts for the 5s and 10s.