In this Workshop, students focus on developing strategies for solving the multiplication facts. Students discuss strategies they have developed for the multiplication facts, decide which facts strategies still need to be developed, and learn a game that can be used to practice their multiplication facts.
Content in this Lesson
- Represent multiplication and division problems with number lines, drawings, rectangular arrays, and number sentences [E1].
- Use strategies to solve multiplication problems [E2].
- Use and explain the multiplication properties of 0 and 1 to solve multiplication problems [E3].
- Use turn-around facts to solve multiplication problems [E4].
- Identify and use patterns to solve the multiplication facts for the 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, 9s, and square numbers [E5].
- Reason from known facts to solve multiplication facts [E2].
- Use break-apart products to solve multiplication facts [E6].
Assessment in this Lesson
Assessment | Expectation Assessed |
Multiplication Fact Strategies |
DPP Item II |