Lesson 6

Division in Lizardland

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Homework and Practice

  • Assign the problems in the Homework section of the Division in Lizardland pages in the Student Guide. Have students take home completed multiplication tables for this work.
  • Assign DPP items S–V. Bit U is a review of multidigit addition and subtraction.
  • Assign Home Practice Part 3. Students find the largest or smallest difference playing the Digits Game.

Math Facts. In Bit S, students review the fact families for the subtraction facts in Groups 7 and 8. In Task T, students find all the rectangles that can be made with 36 square centimeters. Use DPP Task V to practice strategies for solving multiplication facts.

Remind students to practice their subtraction facts with the Subtraction Flash Cards in preparation for the assessments of Groups 7 and 8 in this unit. DPP Bit W provides an opportunity to assess students' fluency with the subtraction facts in this group.
