Lesson 2

Constant Hoppers

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

  • A constant hopper started on 0, hopped 6 times and ended on 18. What kind of constant hopper is it?
    (a +3 hopper)
  • Where will this hopper be after 7 hops? (21)
  • A + 4 hopper starts at 0 and hops until it lands on 24. How many hops did it make? (6)
  • What multiplication number sentence describes its trip? (4 × 6 = 24)
  • What do each of the numbers in this number sentence mean? (The four tells the size of each hop. The six tells how many hops the constant hopper made, and the 24 tells where the constant hopper landed.)

Assign Check-In: Questions 8–10 from the Student Guide to students to complete independently.

Use Check-In: Questions 8–10 in the Student Guide to assess students' abilities to represent multiplication problems with number lines and number sentences [E1] and use strategies, including repeated addition, to solve multiplication and division problems [E2].

The workshop in Lesson 10 provides targeted practice with representing and solving multiplication facts.
