Students solve problems about the Lizardland Amusement Park involving division. They look at the relationship between multiplication and division and discover there is no turn-around rule for division. They also investigate division involving zero.
Content in this Lesson
- Representing division problems with number sentences and drawings [E1].
- Using strategies to solve division problems such as repeated subtraction, using related multiplication facts, using counters, or drawings [E2, MPE1, MPE2].
- Representing an answer so someone else can understand one's thinking [MPE5].
- Using labels to explain solutions and strategies [MPE6].
- Investigating division involving zero.
- Investigating whether there is a turn-around rule for division.
Daily Practice and Problems S–V
Assessment in this Lesson
Assessment | Expectation Assessed | Math Practices Expectation Assessed |
Division in Lizardland |
DPP Item S |