Lesson 3

Circle Pieces: Red, Pink,Orange, Aqua

Est. Class Sessions: 2–3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Use this DPP item to provide practice with skip counting by 2s and 3s. This helps practice the multiplication facts for the 2s and 3s.

  1. 18:
  2. 16; 2 × 8 = 16
  3. No; when you skip count by fives the numbers end in 0 or 5. The constant hopper will land on 160 and 165.

I. Constant Hoppers

  1. A +3 constant hopper starts at 0 and hops six times. Where does it land? Show the hops on the number line.

  2. A +2 constant hopper starts at 0 and hops eight times. Where does it land? Write a number sentence that shows the hops.
  3. A +5 constant hopper starts at 0 and wants to eat a sunflower seed on 163. Will it be able to land on the sunflower seed? Why or why not? Think about the patterns you found when you skip counted.