Lesson 2

Circle Pieces: Red, Pink, Yellow, Blue

Est. Class Sessions: 3

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


Use this DPP item to practice the multiplication facts for the 3s.

  1. Luis can reason from 3 × 4 = 12. He knows that 3 × 5 will be 3 more than 12 or 15.
  2. Both number sentences are true. 3 × 5 = 3 × 4 + 3 is true because both sides of the equation or number sentence equal 15. This number sentences shows how Luis may have reasoned.
    3 × 5 + 2 × 5 + 5 is true because both sides of the equation or number sentence are also equal to 15. This number sentences shows how Sara may have reasoned.
  3. Possible response: Sara knows 2 × 5 = 10. 3 × 5 is one more group of 5. 3 × 5 = 15.
    1. 3
    2. 18
    3. 3
    4. 27
    5. 4
    6. 12

Ongoing Assessment

Use DPP Task H to assess students' strategies and fluency with the multiplication facts for the 3s [E11].

H. Strategies for 3s

  1. How can Luis use the facts he knows to solve 3 × 5?
  2. Are the following number sentences true or false? Explain.

    3 × 5 = 3 × 4 + 3                      3 × 5 = 2 × 5 + 5
  3. How can Sara use the facts she knows to solve 3 × 5?
    1. 3 × 6 = 3 × 5 +
    2. 3 × 6 =
    3. 3 × 9 = 3 × 10 −
    4. 3 × 9 =
    5. 3 × 4 = 2 × 4 +
    6. 3 × 4 =