Lesson 4

The Four Servants

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Homework and Practice

  • Students might enjoy reading and discussing the story with an adult at home.
  • Assign the Table-Maker's Data Table page in the Student Activity Book. See Meeting Individual Needs Box.

The Table Maker's Data Table page in the Student Activity Book may be a challenge for some students. Students use the Grapher's Graph for the Prince and patterns they found in the table on page 30 in the story to find the hand length using given information about height. They do so by reversing the method they used for finding height given information about hand length. Students use mathematical reasoning to extend the graph or apply the patterns they already found in the data table.

  • Assign DPP items M–N. DPP Bit M provides practice in computation with money. Task N can be a Problem of the Week. Students collect data, make a data table, graph the data, and find the median.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 3, 4, and 5. Part 3 reviews finding medians and may be used as an assessment. Parts 4 and 5 review measurement concepts and practice measuring skills. This review will help students prepare for the work they will do in Lesson 5.

Use Home Practice Part 3 to assess students' progress toward finding the median of a data set [E6] and making reasonable predictions using the median [E9].

The workshop in Lesson 6 provides targeted practice.
