Lesson 4

The Four Servants

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Summarizing the Lesson

After reading the story, discuss the four servants and their special skills with your students. Tell your students that they will be using the same four skills in the Lab in Lesson 5.

  • What do the four servants have to do with the TIMS Laboratory Method? (The four servants embody the four steps in the TIMS Laboratory Method: draw, collect, graph, and explore.)
  • Can you think of other problems the four servants could help solve? (Answers will vary. Using the scientific process is a powerful method to solve many problems.)

Gather hand length and height data from some students and adults and add this data to the Grapher's Graph for the Prince. Check to see if the data points fall on or near the line in the graph in the story.

  • I see you have collected data for a few more people and added this data to the Grapher's Graph. Does this data fall on the line?
  • Why do you think it does or does not?
  • The Giant has a giant friend that is 350 cm tall. Can you predict the friend's hand length? Show us your thinking. (A little less than 40 cm; I found 350 cm on the vertical axis, located that point on the best-fit line, and then went down to the horizontal axis and found the intersection to be a little less than 40 cm. Or, About 38 cm, because I remember from the story that height is 9 times larger than the hand length, so that means I need to figure out what times 9 is about 350. I used my calculator to do 350 ÷ 9, which is about 38.)

Using a display of the Grapher's Graph for the Prince from the Student Activity Book, ask students to show how they used the graph to find the hand length of the giant's friend.
