Arm Span vs. Height
Est. Class Sessions: 4–5Homework and Practice
- The Homework section on the Arm Span vs. Height Lab asks students to repeat the investigation using data from groups from Mrs. Dewey's fourth-grade classroom. Students will need a piece of Centimeter Graph Paper to complete this assignment.
- If students did not complete the Plotting Points Pictures pages in the Student Activity Book in class, assign them as homework.
- Assign Home Practice Part 6 to provide practice with problem solving.
- Assign DPP items O–V. Task P provides practice with division. Item U provides practice finding medians. Items R, S, and V develop students' abilities to measure accurately and to estimate measurement.
- Use DPP Task T to assess making a bar graph using categorical data.
Math Facts. DPP Bits O and Q are assessments of the addition facts: Doubles, 2s, 3s and More Addition Facts, respectively.