Ask students to review their solutions to Check-In: Question 4. Tell students that they are going to show and discuss their solutions with the class. Refer students to and display Expectation 5 (MPE5) on the Math Practices page in the Student Guide Reference section.
- What should you include in your explanation so other students will understand what you did and will be able to use your strategy to solve a similar problem? (Possible responses might include: label each step of my work, show how I put the data in order before finding medians, show where the median is by circling it, use the word “median” in my answers for Parts D and E, show a subtraction problem for Part F.)
- What should you expect to see in another student's explanation? (A similar list to that of the previous question)
Write students' ideas on the board as they share them aloud. Before asking students to share their solutions, ask them to review their written explanations for Check-In: Question 4.
- Did you include all the things we listed on the board in your solution to Check-In: Question 4?
- What should you add to your explanation so that it makes sense to another student, or to someone who is not in this class?
Allow students several minutes to revise their written work. Then ask for volunteers to share their solutions with the class. Encourage students to ask clarifying questions of each other and make suggestions that would improve explanations based on the list on the board. Students may continue to revise their work as the discussion continues.
Use Check-In: Questions 4–5 from the Workshop: Graphs and Averages pages in the Student Guide and the corresponding Feedback Box from the Teacher Guide to record student progress on the following Expectations.
E6. |
Find the median of a data set represented in a table, graph, or line plot. |
E7. |
Read a table or graph to find information about a data set. |
E9. |
Make predictions and generalizations about a data set using a median. |
Also use Check-In: Question 4 to record student progress on the following Math Practices Expectation.
MPE5. |
Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so someone else can understand my thinking. |