Lesson 1

Time to the Nearest Five Minutes

Est. Class Sessions: 1

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: 60 Minutes around the Clock

Review Time to the Nearest 15 Minutes. Begin the lesson by having the whole class play the "I Have, Who Has Game." Students first played the game in Unit 5 Lesson 2. Distribute all of the I Have, Who Has Game Cards to students randomly. If a student is struggling with reading time, you may choose to give him or her a card that shows time to the hour. Some students may have more than one card. Give students some time to silently read the clock face shown on their card. Assist those who need help.

Tell students you are going to record the time when the game begins on the board. See Figure 2.

Then choose one student to begin the game by reading the "Who has...?" question on their card out loud to the other players. For example, "Who has 6:30?" Students check the clocks on their cards for the answer. The player with the correct answer says, "I have 6:30." Then that player reads the "Who has...?" question on their card. For example, "Who has 4:15?" This continues until the student who started the game ends the game with his or her "I have" statement. See Figure 3.

Record the time when the game ends on the board as in Figure 2. Model the game's start time on the demonstration clock. Slowly move the hands and count the minutes elapsed out loud for the students to hear. Record the total time it took to play the game on the board. Later in the lesson, you will play a second round of the game.

Review Hour Hand. Use the demonstration clock and have students use their individual clocks to review the hour hand. First ask them to recall that the red hand is the hour hand and the red numbers indicate hours. Engage students by asking them at what hour certain activities occur, such as when they leave for school, do their homework, and eat dinner. Have students estimate and then show where the hour hand will be on their individual clocks as they describe their activities. Have a volunteer show where the hour hand will be on the demonstration clock.

  • At what time does school start? (8:15)
  • AM or PM? (AM)
  • Show this time on your clock.
  • Describe where the hour hand is on your clock. (The hour hand is a little past the 8.)

Alternatively, have individual students take turns describing one of their activities, show the time on the demonstration clock, and explain where the hour hand is. The other students will model this time on their individual clocks. For example:

I have soccer practice at 4:30 PM. The hour hand is halfway between the 4 and 5.

After I do my homework, I watch TV at 7:00 PM. The hour hand is pointing to the 7.

Review Minute Hand. Ask students to now identify the blue minute hand and the corresponding blue numbers. Have students use their individual clocks to start at 5:00 (for example) and skip count by fives around the clock, stopping at 60. Pause at each group of five on the large demonstration clock as you move the minute hand around.

Students should notice that there are marks showing each minute. Connect this arrangement to a number line. Wrap the clock number line you prepared before the lesson around the clock to demonstrate this pattern to the students. See Materials Preparation. Wrapping a number line around a clock will also reinforce the fact that numbers are written around the clock clockwise, not counterclockwise.

Point out to students that the number 0 is the starting point on the number line. On the demonstration clock, 60 stands in place of zero and is the start and end. Help students understand that minutes in an hour start at zero and go to sixty only to start over again. You might also draw a race course on the board where the course is a circle and the start and the end point are in the same place.

  • What have you noticed about the minutes? (Possible responses: The minutes are in groups of five; they go up to 60; they go around the clock; both 0 and 60 are at the same place on the clock.)
  • The minutes start at 0, go to 60, and then start over again. Do the hours have a similar pattern? Explain. (Yes, the hours repeat 1 to 12 over and over again.)
Beginning and ending times for the I Have, Who Has Game
I Have, Who Has Game