lesson 2

Introduce Base-Ten Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Developing the Lesson

Part 1: Grouping and Counting Bits


Base-Ten Pieces. We refer to the pieces as flats, skinnies, and bits to give teachers an easy way during discussion to distinguish between the manipulatives themselves and the quantities they represent. This terminology is also useful in later grades when we change the value each piece represents. For example, when discussing decimals, a flat may represent one whole and the bit or 0.01. In Second Grade this is not an issue—so if you find it simpler for the students, you can substitute "hundreds," "tens," and "ones" as you refer to the pieces. Note, however, that the student pages use flats, skinnies, and bits.

Estimate Bits in the Collection. Show students the collection of base-ten pieces that are one cubic centimeter. Tell them these are counters, like the connecting cubes, except they are smaller and cannot be attached to each other. We call them bits. You may want to discuss with students whether they have seen or used them before.

Tell the class they are going to count them, just like they counted the connecting cubes. First, however, they will estimate how many bits are in the whole collection. Show the referent bags of ten bits and one hundred bits and the referent bags of ten connecting cubes and one hundred connecting cubes you prepared prior to the lesson. See Materials Preparation.

  • How is this bag of 100 bits different from the bag of 100 connecting cubes?
  • Will 100 bits take up more space in the bag than 100 connecting cubes or less space? Why? (less because they're smaller)
  • Which group of 100 will have greater volume? Why? (the cubes because they take up more space)
  • If I were going to fill a bag to the top, would it hold more connecting cubes or bits? (bits)
  • Estimate the number of bits in the collection.

Show the intervals chart you prepared and tell students that the total number of bits will be between the smallest number listed and the largest. Have each student write his or her own estimate for the total number of bits on a self-adhesive note, along with his or her name. When all the students have written their estimates, ask them to place their estimate below the appropriate interval on the chart.

  • How do you know what interval your estimate is in? (Possible response: I looked at what hundred I used. I said there are about 450 and that means 4 hundreds and some more. So it is between 401 and 500.)

If students have trouble finding the correct interval or explaining where to place their estimates, encourage them to think about and use place value concepts they learned in Unit 5. For example, ask how many hundreds are in their estimates.


Some base-ten pieces have a way to lock the bits together. Discourage students from locking individual bits together. There is no need for bits to be joined in the activity; in fact, the lesson relies on having a quantity of loose bits. In addition, the bits are sometimes difficult to take apart once joined.

  • Describe where our estimates fall.
  • Which interval has the most estimates? Which has the least estimates?
  • Are the estimates evenly spread out? Are they clustered?
  • What is our highest estimate? Our lowest?

Estimate Small Group of Bits. Distribute the collection of bits among the student pairs. Give each pair about 30 to 50 bits and a second self-adhesive note. Before they start counting, ask each student pair to estimate how many bits they have received. However, they are to write their estimates as groups of ten and leftovers. Show the referent bags of 10 bits and 100 bits again. Ask students whether they think their small group from the collection of bits falls between 10 and 100 (between one group of ten and ten groups of ten).

  • How many groups of ten and leftovers are in each bag? (The bag of 10 is one group of ten and no leftovers. The bag of 100 is 10 groups of 10 and no leftovers.)
  • If my estimate is 24 bits, how can I write that as groups of ten and leftovers? (2 groups of ten and 4 leftover bits)

Ask the same question with a few different numbers. Then have students write the estimates for their part of the collection of bits using groups of ten and leftovers on their self-adhesive note. See Figure 3.

Group and Count Small Group of Bits. Students then count their bits, grouping into tens and leftovers. As they are doing so, circulate about the room and ask about their groupings

  • Where are your groups of ten?
  • How are you keeping them together and apart from the other bits?
  • Is it harder when they are not connected together like the connecting cubes?

After a few minutes, start showing a skinny to student pairs and eventually to the class as a whole.

  • Could pieces like these help you organize your groups?
  • What does it look like to you?
  • I call it a "skinny" because it is long and thin. How do you think it might help?
  • What do you notice about this new piece when you compare it to a bit?
  • How many bits does this represent? (10 bits)
  • If I traded you this piece for that group of ten, would that help you? How?
  • Will your blocks still represent the same amount of bits?
  • Will you still have the same number as before? (Yes, even though we have fewer blocks.)
  • Who else would like to trade ten bits for a skinny?

Show students the "Bank" of skinnies you prepared. Circulate among the student groups trading bits for a skinny. Take away ten bits as you give them a skinny. Ask students to compare the skinnies with the bits. Students may recognize that the skinny is the same size as ten bits. Guide students to the notion that a skinny can be used like the stack of ten connecting cubes. It is like ten bits all fused together.

  • When I give you a skinny, why do I make you give me ten bits in trade? (Possible response: to make it fair; We are both trading the same amount; it is like trading 10 pennies for a dime.)
  • If you did not give me the ten bits when I gave you a skinny, what would happen to your count? Would the blocks still represent the same number of bits you started with? (no)

Group and Count Bits in Collection. Students now need to find the total number of bits in the collection of bits. Ask each pair to record the skinnies and bits they counted on a display of the Collection of Bits Master. See Figure 4.

Organize students into three groups: one group to count the skinnies, one group to count the bits, and a group that will use the information on the Collection of Bits chart to determine the number of bits in the class collection. Choose two students to manage the "Skinnies Bank" as you did earlier. These students will collect 10 bits from students and trade them for 1 skinny.

Ask student pairs to deliver their skinnies to the group that will be counting the skinnies and to deliver their bits to the group counting the bits. Ask the students managing the "Skinnies Bank" to stand near these groups. Make calculators available to the students using the Collection of Bits chart. These students can use whatever strategy they choose to find the total number of bits in the collection (e.g., add up the counts, add to find the number of skinnies and bits and then trade to find the number of bits).

As students are counting, draw the chart shown in Figure 5. This chart will be used to summarize and find the number of bits in the entire collection.

  • How many bundles of ten skinnies did you count? (Using the example, 3)
  • How many skinnies did you have left over? (Using the example, 6)
  • How many skinnies did you make from the bits? (Using the example, 18)
  • How many bits are left over? (Using the example, 7)

You should have a count for the number of bundles of ten skinnies, two counts for the number of skinnies, and the number of bits. There should be skinnies left over from grouping bundles of ten skinnies and a number of skinnies counted when the group organized the bits. For example, the group organizing the bits traded bits for 18 skinnies and the group making bundles of ten skinnies had 6 leftover skinnies, for a total of 24 skinnies. Continue to organize skinnies into bundles of ten until all possible trades have been made. See Figure 5.

Compare Counts to Estimate. Direct students' attention to the Interval Chart.

  • What interval is our total in? (501–600)
  • How do you know? (There are five bundles of 100 and some more skinnies and bits, so that means it is between 500 and 599.)

Write the number on a larger or different-colored self-adhesive note so that it is easily distinguishable. Ask a student to post it in the correct interval on the chart. Have students discuss where the total fits relative to the estimates posted.

  • Describe how it compares to our estimates.
  • Is our total in the middle of our estimates? At one end?

Assign the Number Riddles Homework Masters.

Sample estimate
Chart recording student counts after trading
Recording the hundreds, tens, and ones