Lesson 7

Workshop: Place Value Concepts

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 2: Compare and Order

Play Compare Them. Show students the display set of Number Representation Cards you prepared. This is a set of cards that shows a variety of numbers less than 200 with a variety of representations: base-ten pieces, symbols, number sentences. Ask a student to help you demonstrate how to play Compare Them. Each player draws a card from the deck. The player with the larger number takes both cards. When the entire deck is played, the player with the most cards wins the game. Play a few rounds and then choose one pair of numbers to discuss.

  • How did you decide which number is larger?
  • Which number shows more tens?
  • Which number shows more ones?

The Compare Them game can be easily modified by changing the cards.

  • Vary the partitions.
  • Vary the types of representations in the deck.
  • Add cards that use hops on a number line to show the partitions of a number.
  • Include larger numbers.

Practice Comparing and Ordering Numbers. Review the activities in the second column of the Place Value Workshop Menu from the Student Activity Book as you show students the location of each learning center. Then ask each student to choose and circle two activities from the second column.

Organize students into the learning center activities as you circulate and monitor student choices.


Use the Compare and Order pages from the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to estimate a quantity using benchmarks [E6]; use words and symbols (e.g., <, >, =) to show comparisons of quantities [E7]; compare and order three-digit numbers using base-ten pieces and a number line [E8].
