Lesson 5

Comparing and Ordering

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Compare Numbers with Base-Ten Pieces. Ask student pairs to display 37 and 73 with base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule.

  • How do we know which number is greater? Are there any clues that we get from the base-ten pieces? (Possible response: Seven skinnies [tens] is more than 3 skinnies [tens]. So, 73 is greater than 37.)
  • What about the bits? Isn't 7 bits more than 3 bits? (But the 7 bits goes with 3 skinnies, and the 3 bits goes with 7 skinnies. 70 is more than 30.)
  • Can we count the number of pieces to know which is greater? Why or why not? (No; They both have the same number of pieces—10.)
  • Are both of these numbers represented with the Fewest Pieces Rule? That is, can I make any trades for more skinnies? (All possible trades have been made.)

In discussing these and other examples, discussion points that should be addressed are:

  1. Each representation uses the Fewest Pieces Rule.
  2. The total number of base-ten pieces does not determine which number is greater.
  3. Use the names of the pieces and the place value of the digits interchangeably. For example, a student may say, "I saw that there were 2 flats in both numbers. One number had 5 skinnies and the other number had only 3, so I knew the one with 5 skinnies was larger." You can respond, "So you knew that the hundreds were the same and that 5 tens was more than 3 tens."
  4. When comparing numbers, encourage students to think of the size of the pieces that represent the numbers so that they create visual images of the numbers.
  5. If in 2 three-digit numbers, one number has more flats than the other number, the one with the most flats is the greater number.
  6. If in 2 three-digit numbers, the number of flats is the same, the one that has the most skinnies will be the greater number.
  7. If in 2 three-digit numbers, the number of flats and skinnies is the same, the one with the most bits will be the greater number.

A number sentence to show that 73 is greater than 37 can be written as 73 > 37, read as 73 is greater than 37. The number sentence can also be written as 37 < 73, read as 37 is less than 73. Note that in both cases, the opening of the arrow is on the side of the greater number. Also, the arrow points to the smaller number.

  • Write a number sentence comparing 73 and 37 using the < , >, or = symbols. (37 < 73 or 73 > 37)

Pose a few more examples in which students compare two 2-digit numbers using base-ten pieces, then write and read a number sentence using <, >, or =.

For each of the following pairs of three-digit numbers, ask students to represent the numbers with base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule. Then ask them to decide which number is larger and to write a number sentence using < or > to compare the numbers. Possible responses are given.

  1. 105 and 123 (105 < 123)
  2. 313 and 245 (313 > 245)
  3. 212 and 219 (212 < 219)
  4. 199 and 207 (199 < 207)

For each set of numbers, ask questions similar to those asked when comparing 73 and 37. Using the base-ten pieces will help students develop mental images of the size of the numbers. Encourage students to consider the size of the pieces that represent each number. For example, when comparing 105 to 123, both numbers have one flat (hundred), so students will need to compare the number of the next largest piece, the skinnies (tens).

  • Display 1 flat, 3 skinnies, 15 bits, and 1 flat, 4 skinnies, 5 bits.

In this example, the numbers are the same, but their representations are different.

  • Which set of base-ten pieces do you think represents the larger number? Why?
  • How can you find out?

Students may realize that since the number of flats (hundreds) is the same that they need only compare the remaining pieces. If they make trades until they represent the number using the Fewest Pieces Rule, they will see that the two sets of pieces represent the same number. Other strategies are possible.

  • Is this a true statement: 100 + 30 + 15 = 100 + 40 + 5? Explain how you know.

Assign the Compare Numbers pages in the Student Activity Book. Students circle the number that is greater and write a number sentence. If the numbers are equal, they should not circle any of the numbers.

Order Numbers with Base-Ten Pieces. Ask student pairs to show 54, 81, and 45 using base-ten pieces.

  • How do you know which number is greatest? How do you know which number is smallest? Are there any clues that we get from the base-ten pieces? (The skinnies are the larger piece, so the bits won't matter if you can't make any more trades. So 45 is smallest because it has the fewest skinnies, 81 is the greatest, and 54 is in the middle.)
  • Did you notice that all the numbers have the same number of base-ten pieces? Does the number of base-ten pieces matter when we want to find the smallest or largest number? (No, the number of base-ten pieces is not important.)
  • Write 54, 81, and 45 in order from smallest to largest. (45, 54, 81)

Ask student pairs to show 131, 122, and 113 using base-ten pieces. Ask them to display them in order, from smallest to largest. Each of these numbers is represented by the same number of base-ten pieces. Each representation has one flat. The number of skinnies that each number has determines its place in the ordering.

Ask students to write 131, 122, and 113 in order from smallest to largest (113, 122, 131).

Ask students to display 221, 122 and 131. Ask them to display them in order, from smallest to greatest. Each of these numbers can be represented by the same number of base-ten pieces using the Fewest Pieces Rule. In this example, one number has more flats than the other two numbers. That number would be the greatest. The other two numbers each have one flat. These numbers need to be compared by their skinnies.

Ask students to write 221, 122, and 131 in order from smallest to largest (122, 131, 221).

Place Numbers on the Number Lines.

  • Which is the greater number? How do you know? (130 is greater than 103. They have the same number of flats, but 130 has 3 skinnies and 103 has none.)
  • Write a number sentence comparing 130 to 103. (130 > 103)
  • Look at the 103 and 130 on the number line. Describe their positions on the number line. (103 goes before 130; 103 is closest to 100, 130 is farther from 100.)
  • Which is the greatest number? How do you know? (99 is greatest. It has the most skinnies.)
  • Which is the smallest number? How do you know? (57 is the smallest number. It only has 5 skinnies.)
  • Look at the numbers on the number line. Describe their positions on the number line. (57 goes first, then comes 75, and then comes 99.)

Draw a number line on chart paper or the board with the friendly numbers or benchmarks of 0, 50, and 100. Use base-ten shorthand to show each benchmark with base-ten pieces. See Figure 1. Ask students to help you place the numbers 57, 99, and 75 on the number line.

  • What number would you like to place first?
  • Where should I put 57, before the 50 or after the 50? How do you know? (57 goes after 50. I looked at the class number line.)
  • Is 57 closer to 50 or closer to 100? How do you know? (57 is closer to 50. It is closer on the class number line.)
  • Is 57 closer to 50 or closer to 60? How do you know? (57 is closer to 60. 57 is only 3 away from 60 but 7 away from 50.)

Move your finger or pointer to different places on the number line. Ask students to raise their hands when they think you are near where 57 should be. When most students have their hands up, write a mark for 57 on the number line and write 57 under the number line.

  • Where should I put 99, before 50 or after 50? How do you know? (After 50. 99 is definitely larger than 50.)
  • Is 99 closer to 50 or closer to 100? How do you know? (99 is closer to 100. It is one smaller than 100.)

Move your finger back and forth on the number line. Ask students to raise their hands when they think you are near where 99 should be. When most students have their hands up, write a mark for 99 on the number line and write 99 under the number line.

  • Now we have to place 75 on the number line. Where should I put it, before the 50 or after the 50? How do you know? (75 goes after 50. I looked at the class number line or 200 Chart.)
  • Is 75 closer to 50 or closer to100? (75 is between 50 and 100 like 75¢ is between 50¢ and 100¢.)

Move your finger or pointer to different places on the line. Ask students to raise their hands when they think you are near where 75 should be. When most students have their hands up, write a mark for 75 on the number line and write 75 under the number line.

Repeat the above for more numbers. Examples are 15, 39, and 92; 23, 73, and 89; 29, 67, and 88. Draw more number lines as shown in Figure 1.

Draw a new number line as shown in Figure 2. The friendly numbers or benchmark numbers on this line are 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200.

Ask students to help you place the numbers 27, 130, and 185 on the number line. Use the same questions and routine you used previously.

  • Where should I place 185? Is it closer to 100 or 200? (185 is closer to 200.)
  • Where should I place 130? What two numbers is it in between? Which is it closer to? (130 is between 100 and 150 but closer to 150.)
  • Where does the 27 go? (27 is more than 0 but less than 50. It is in the middle.)
  • Which number is the largest? (185)
  • Which number is the smallest? (27)

Ask students to complete the Walk the Number Line pages in the Student Activity Book.


Use Check-In: Question 5 on the Walk the Number Line pages in the Student Activity Book to assess students' abilities to compare and order numbers using base-ten pieces and a number line [E8]; use words and symbols to show comparisons of quantities [E7]; estimate a quantity using benchmarks [E6]; and show their thinking [MPE5].

The Workshop in Lesson 7 provides targeted practice with these Expectations.

Number line with 0, 50, and 100
Number line with 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200