lesson 2

Introduce Base-Ten Pieces

Est. Class Sessions: 3–4

Homework and Practice

  • Assign the Number Riddles Homework Masters after Part 1. Students determine a number from a description of groups of ten and leftovers.
  • Assign DPP items C–H. In item C, students solve problems about a collection of blue buttons and in item D, students solve a problem involving money. In item F, students estimate and then measure lengths in centimeters. In item G, students solve multidigit addition and subtraction problems using a number line or 200 Chart. In item H, students find the value of sets of coins.
  • Assign Home Practice Parts 3–4.
  • Remind students to practice the addition facts in Groups C and D using their Triangle Flash Cards.

Math Facts. DPP item E provides practice with the addition facts in Group D. Home Practice Parts 3–4 provide practice with the addition facts and related subtraction facts in Groups C and D.
