Lesson 4

Folding Fractions

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes

TIMS Challenge

This DPP item can be assigned as a Problem of the Week.

  1. Discuss the patterns of the multiples of 8, Since they are even, it will not land on 97. It lands on 96; one away from the frog. If your calculator has the constant feature press: 8 + 8 = = = = etc. Each time you press =, the constant number (8) and operation (addition) are repeated.
  2. 28 hops.

    With the constant feature press: 8 + 8 = = = = etc. Count the number of times you press the equal sign.

    Help students recognize that division can be used. Using the calculator, press: 224 ÷ 8 =.

    Alternatively, 10 hops gets the mathhopper to 80, 20 hops to 160, 30 hops to 240. That's too far. Two hops back is 224, so the answer is 28 hops.

    Other strategies that may be used are repeated subtraction and trial and error.

P. More Constant Hoppers

You may use a calculator to solve the problems.

  1. A +8 constant hopper starts at 0. There is a frog at 97. Will the hopper land on the frog and be eaten? Tell how you know. If it does not land on the frog, how close does it get?
  2. A +8 constant hopper starts at 0. How many hops does the hopper need to take to get to a daisy at 224? Tell how you know.