Lesson 2

More Multiplication Stories

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Daily Practice and Problems

Teacher Notes


  1. 2525
  2. 4465
  3. 321
  4. 506
  5. Possible strategy: Students can count up from 2550:
    2550 + 50 = 2600;
    2600 + 400 = 3000;
    3000 + 4000 = 7000;
    7000 + 15 = 7015
    50 + 400 + 4000 + 15 = 4465.
  6. Possible strategy: Students can count up from 1497 to 1500 (3), count up from 1500 to 2000 (500), and then 3 more to 2003. 3 + 500 + 3 = 506.

C. Subtraction

Use a paper and pencil or mental math strategy to complete the following problems. Use the Subtraction Strategies Menu in the Student Guide Reference section.

  1.    6875
    − 4350
  2.    7015
    − 2550
  3.    896
    − 575
  4.    2003
    − 1497
  1. Show how to solve Question 2 in your head or with a few quick notes.
  2. Show how to solve Question 4 in your head or with a few quick notes.