Use Question 16 in the Student Guide to summarize the lesson. Students choose one of the problems in Question 13 and explain to a partner how they used the steps of the expanded form to solve the problem. Provide a few more problems for students to solve and explain to each other.
Assign the Solving Multiplication Problems pages in the Student Activity Book as homework.
Use Check-In: Questions 1–4 and the Feedback Box on the Solving Multiplication Problems pages in the Student Activity Book to document students' abilities to use place value concepts involved in multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers [E1]; show connections between using the rectangle models and expanded form [E2]; estimate products of multidigit numbers [E3]; use the rectangle method and expanded form to multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers [E4]; and choose appropriately from among estimation, mental math strategies, and paper-and-pencil methods to multiply multidigit numbers [E6].
Targeted practice for Expectations 1–4 is in the Workshop in Lesson 3.