Lesson 5

Choosing Strategies to Multiply

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Developing the Lesson

Part 4: Choose Appropriate Strategies

Introduce Dancing in TIMSville. Read with the class the extended, open-response problem on the Dancing in TIMSville pages in the Student Activity Book. After reading through the introduction and instructions, lead a discussion to help students understand the problem.

  • What is a dance floor?
  • Where have you seen dance floors? Are they ever outside?
  • Why would wooden tiles be needed for a dance floor in the park? (It is difficult to dance on the grass. A smooth, hard surface is needed.)
  • What is going on in this problem? (A dance floor must be built in the park for a music festival.)
  • How is this dance floor going to be built? (from square, wood tiles placed side-by-side)
  • How big are the tiles? (1 foot on each side)

Demonstrate this by drawing a similarly sized square on the board.

  • What shape does the dance floor have to be? (It has to cover the shape of two rectangles, but it cannot overlap the stage or be outside of the park boundaries or edges.)
  • How big is the dance floor going to be? (850 square feet)
  • How many tiles are needed to cover 850 square feet? (850 tiles)

Display a copy of the TIMSville Dance Floor Worksheet to help students get a sense of the shape of the dance floor and the space in which it needs to fit. Draw several shapes and ask whether the shape meets the first three of the mayor's rules for the design. For example, show a dance floor that extends outside the park boundaries, that overlaps the stage, or that is made of a shape that cannot be covered by two rectangles.

  • Does this shape meet the first three rules?
  • Why not?

Once students have a sense of the rules for the problem, ask:

  • What are you supposed to turn in to the mayor? (A final drawing of the design with paper-and-pencil multiplication that shows the floor covers 850 square feet, and a description of how our team solved the problem)

Review Math Practices. Direct students' attention to the Math Practices page in the Reference section of the Student Guide. Tell students that for this problem they should concentrate on finding good tools and an efficient strategy [MPE2], looking back at their solutions to check for reasonableness [MPE3], and showing their work so that the mayor can understand their thinking [MPE5].

Remind students to use the worksheet to try different strategies and solutions. The mayor will not see this page. The final design, however, should show the solution clearly and accurately.

Solve the Problem. Students work in groups of three to four to solve the problem. This should provide each group with enough grid-paper worksheets to try several different strategies. Circulate as groups work on the problem.

  • What is your strategy?
  • Why are you doing what you are doing?
  • Is your idea getting you closer to the answer? How do you know?
  • Does your design make sense?
  • What other ideas does your group have to solve the problem?

If groups finish the problem quickly, challenge them to find other creative designs that fit the rules.
