Lesson 5

Choosing Strategies to Multiply

Est. Class Sessions: 2

Mathematics Standards

Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. (4.NBT.A.2, 4.NBT.A.3)
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. (4.NBT.B.5)
Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems. (4.OA.A.3)
Solve problems involving measurement and conversions of measurements. (4.MD.A.3)

Standards for Mathematical Practice

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason quantitatively.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.

Students apply strategies involving estimation, mental math, and paper-and-pencil methods to solve problems involving two-digit multiplication. This lesson focuses on choosing and applying strategies flexibly to match the context of problems. Students also use these strategies to solve an extended, open-response problem involving two-digit multiplication.

Content in this Lesson

  • Deciding when to estimate and when to find exact answers [E6].
  • Estimating products of multidigit numbers [E3].
  • Multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using mental math strategies and paper-and-pencil methods (e.g., expanded form, all-partials) [E4].
  • Multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using the compact method [E5].
  • Choosing appropriately from among estimation, mental math strategies, and paper-and-pencil methods to multiply multidigit numbers [E6].
  • Choosing good tools and an efficient strategy for solving the problem [MPE2].
  • Checking an answer for reasonableness [MPE3].
  • Communicating solution strategies [MPE5].
  • Demonstrating fluency with the division facts for the last six facts [E7].

Materials for Students

Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide
Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital

Materials for Each Student

My Multiplication Menu created in Lesson 2
rulers (1 per student)

Materials for the Teacher

Display of When Do We Estimate? Master (Teacher Guide)
Display of Egyptian Numbers and Symbols Master (Teacher Guide)
Display of Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu: Mental Math and Estimation (Student Guide) Reference or (Teacher Guide)
Display of Multidigit Multiplication Strategies Menu: Paper-and-Pencil Methods (Student Guide) Reference or (Teacher Guide)
Display of TIMSville Dance Floor Worksheet (Student Activity Book) Page 499
Unit 11 Assessment Record
Math Facts Class Record
Unit 11 Individual Assessment Record

Print Materials for Students

Math Facts and Daily Practice and Problems Lesson Homework Assessment

Student Books

Student Guide
Student Activity Book

Teacher Resources

Teacher Guide - digital
  • DPP Item E
  • DPP Item F
  • DPP Item G
  • DPP Item H

Materials for the Teacher

Unit 11 Assessment Record

Assessment in this Lesson

Assessment Expectation Assessed Math Practices
Expectation Assessed
Choosing Strategies to Multiply
Check-In: Questions 23–27
Student Guide
Pages 524–525
Estimate products of multidigit numbers.
Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using mental math strategies and paper-and-pencil methods (e.g., expanded form, all-partials.)
Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using the compact method.
Choose appropriately from among estimation, mental math strategies, and paper-and-pencil methods to multiply multidigit numbers.
Dancing in TIMSville Student Activity Book
Pages 498–502
Choose appropriately from among estimation, mental math strategies, and paper-and-pencil methods to multiply multidigit numbers.
Find a strategy. I choose good tools and an efficient strategy for solving the problem.
Check for reasonableness.
I look back at my solution to see if my answer makes sense. If it does not, I try again.
Show my work. I show or tell how I arrived at my answer so someone else can understand my thinking.
DPP Item O
Facts Quiz: Last Six Facts
Teacher Guide - digital
Demonstrate fluency with the division facts related to the last six multiplication facts (24 ÷ 4, 24 ÷ 6, 28 ÷ 4, 28 ÷ 7, 32 ÷ 4, 32 ÷ 8, 42 ÷ 6, 42 ÷ 7, 48 ÷ 6, 48 ÷ 8, 56 ÷ 7, 56 ÷ 8).